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Welcome to the *HUMONGOUS* CP/M TRS-80 Archives, a humongous collection of all TRS-80-related sites, books, magazines and software. TRS-80 enthusiasts enjoy! And please let us know if there's anything we're missing.



|       TRS-80 Software        |
|                              |
|  More than 13,000 software   |
| packages for the CoCo, Model |
|  100, and Models I/III/IV.   |
|                              |
|     TRS-80 CP/M Software     |
|                              |
|  *HUMONGOUS* CP/M's recrea-  |
|  tion of the TRS-80 Revived  |
|       CP/M collection.       |
|                              |
|  *HUMONGOUS* Online Library  |
|                              |
| Nearly 3000 books, magazines |
|  and hardware and software   |
|  manuals for TRS-80 & CP/M.  |
|                              |
|         Matthew Reed         |
|                              |
|  Excellent series of TRS-80  |
|      Model I, III and IV     |
|          emulators.          |
|             M1 M2            |
|            8-N-1             |
|                              |
| 8N1 was a classic TRS-80 BBS |
|  which later moved online.   |
|       Sadly, now gone.       |
|                              |
|   TRS-80 Home Page at KJSL   |
|                              |
| This is a 1997 mirror of the |
|   TRS-80 Home Page at KJSL   |
|        (now offline).        |
|                              |
|        TRS-80 Revived        |
|                              |
| Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 site  |
| is an unparalelled source of |
|     TRS-80 information.      |
|             M1 M2            |
|     Tim Mann's Home Page     |
|                              |
| Misosys software and Logical |
| Systems' LDOS operating sys- |
|   tem are available here.    |
|             M1 M2            |
|  David Keil's Emulator Site  |
|                              |
| David Keil's classic series  |
| of Model I, III, IV and CoCo |
|          emulators.          |
| I                            |
|  Miguel Dutra's CP-500 Page  |
|                              |
|  Dedicated to the CP-500, a  |
|   Brazilian line of TRS-80   |
|           clones.            |
|              M               |
|            Manmrk            |
|                              |
| Anonymous site; ASM, BASIC,  |
| C, Cobol, more. *HUMONGOUS*  |
| mirrors the TRS-80 section.  |
|              M               |
|     Vavasour's Emulators     |
|                              |
| Series of excellent DOS-based|
| emulators for Coco, TRS-80 I,|
| III, IV and more.            |
|              M               |
|        TRS80Stuff.net        |
|                              |
| Once a more active site, only|
| Downloads remain in an effort|
| to preserve TRS80 software.  |
|              M               |